Maine Billiards League
Advisory Board: Alt
Dan Small Mark Desjardin Tammy Desjardin Kevan Fors Chris Hickman Jeff Robitialle. Eric Newell Al Jocham Phil Walton |
It is the intent of the Maine Billiards League (MBL) to provide an organized system for men and women to compete in the sport of pocket billiards. This system is designed to include and promote competitive and fair play, good sportsmanship, and rewards for Individual and Team play. The MBL follows the leadership of, and is fully sanctioned by, the BCA Pool League (BCAPL) & Valley League (VNEA).
A. The Maine Billiards League Shall…
1. Ensure league competition that is well organized and fair to all players.
2. Sanction each and every member into the BCA POOL LEAGUE / VNEA
3. Provide rules, and other league supplies to all captains.
4. Schedule all matches of league play, and post-season playoffs and tournament’s (both team and individual).
5. Maintain all of the necessary records for the operation of the league.
6. Maintain all records for team and individual standings.
7. Publish and distribute weekly standings for team captains.
8. Issue prize money to team captains at the End of Season banquet.
9. Reserve the right to make rules and/or format changes for the improvement of the league.
B. The Maine Billiards League Player Shall…
1. Be a member in good standing to participate in league play and/or tournaments operated by The Maine Billiards League.
2. Fill out a membership roster form in order to be sanctioned.
3. Agree to abide by the policies and procedures of the MBL.
4. Pay all established fees.
5. Conduct themselves in an adult like manner. Any disruptive behavior is grounds for immediate dismissal from the MBL.
The Maine Billiards League follows the rules specifically outlined by the BCAPL Player Handbook, except as modified herein. The MBL assumes that Players within the League have a basic understanding of pocket billiards, and knowledge of the terms related to the Game(s). Therefore, no attempt is made within this document to define the Game, and/or terms of pocket billiards, except where necessary. If a Player or Team has any questions regarding the terms or rules, please feel free to contact the MBL Operator or visit website
The Maine Billiards League reserves the right to disallow an Individual or Team to participate in League activities. An Individual or Team, who does not abide by the intent of this League, such as, not paying their dues or sanction fee, becoming abusive toward other Individuals or Teams, or exhibiting any behavior deemed detrimental to the League, its Members, or its Sponsors, may be asked to withdraw their participation in the League. In the event that an Individual or Team is asked to withdraw, or if they withdraw voluntarily, before the Season has completed, it is the policy of the MBL to NOT refund any fees collected during said Season.
The guidelines for Sportsmanship in League Play can be found on pages ii and iii of the BCAPL League Player Handbook.
Any unsportsmanlike play or activities should be reported to the League Operator immediately by calling 207-577-7102.
BCAPL states all players must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age. Our local rule will be up to the team captains’ responsibility to ensure that location owners are made aware prior to the match that a minor is on the scheduled team. The establishment owner has the final say on player participation.
To ensure the fairness of play, and to maintain consistency of Individual Fargo across all Divisions, Players are identified as follows:
A. Roster (“Original”) Players
Roster Players are those Players who participate on a single Team within any Division(s) during a single Season.
B. Substitute Players
A. A non-roster Substitute may play with any team. The player must be a sanctioned.
Each Team will select a Team Captain. Responsibilities of the Team Captain, or Acting Team Captain, include, but are not limited to:
1. The communication of rules, procedures, and all other information passed on to him/her by the Advisory Board of the Maine Billiards League to each of the Players on the Team.
2. Having an understanding and knowledge of both the Maine Billiards League and BCAPL rules and guidelines. Captains must be aware of the Games in progress, and be prepared to resolve minor rule disputes and interpretations with the Opposing Team’s Captain.
3. Reviewing and signing Score sheets, collecting and documenting Team dues, ensuring proper Score keeping of Matches. Turning in paper work and fees to proper place.
4. Collecting and submitting registration information for ALL Roster and Substitute Players, including, but not limited to, completed Player Registration form, applicable Sanction Fee, Membership Fee and Weekly Dues.
5. Maintain the ability to be contacted via working phone number or email. This must be maintained for communication between team captains, roster players, and league officers.
The Maine Billiards League offers Divisions for 8-Ball Teams. The guidelines for each of these Team types are described below.
1.) Gold Division 2001 and over Fargo for Match
2.) Silver will be Teams 2000 and Under for Match.
Please pay careful Attention To The Following Guidelines For Team Rosters.
Players Will Be Ranked by FargoRate
**League Players Please Note: These Are Merely Guidelines Used In The Interest Of Fairness For Outlining Divisional Parameters. There Will Be Occasions When We May Deem It Necessary To Place Players Or Teams In Other Divisions For The Purpose Of Balance Or To Streamline Schedules (Without “Byes”). We Will Always Try To Make Divisions As Evenly Balanced As Possible.
*Advisory Council May Exercise Discretion In Assigning The Fargo Starter Ratings On All Players In Maine Billiard League. League Management Reserves The Right To Amend Any Players Ranking At Any Time Without Notice.
Teams Consist Of Four Players. Players may be added to Team Rosters at any time during the current season. Please see Section XVIII for Eligibility for Vegas Tournaments.
Substitutes are not allowed to play on a team during a Playoff round.
To add a Player to the Roster, simply complete a Player Registration Form for the new Player, which can be printed directly BCAPL website. Return the completed form, along with their twenty dollar ($20) BCAPL Sanction Fee (See Section VI) with your weekly score sheet. A player must play a minimum of eight weeks unless approved by council to be eligible for league playoffs.
For the Maine Billiards League to be sanctioned, all Roster and Substitute Players participating in the League must pay a one-time twenty dollar ($20) Sanction Fee per Sanction Year, regardless of the number of Teams or Divisions the Player participates in.
The Sanction Fee is to be paid on the first night a Player plays. If an Individual has not paid their Sanction Fee by their second week of play, a five dollar ($5) late fee will be added to the amount, resulting in a total of twenty five dollars ($25). If a non-sanctioned Player substitutes on a Team, that Player’s Sanction Fee MUST be paid, even if it is only a one-time occurrence. Each Team is responsible for the Sanction Fee for all Substitute Players on their Team who have not yet paid a Sanction Fee.
Every Division of the Maine Billiards League is Sanctioned. The Sanction is valid from January 1st through December 31st, and entitles the Sanctioned Player to participate in any BCAPL-Sanctioned events, including the 8-Ball & 9-Ball National Tournaments (upon completion of any BCAPL prerequisites.)
The starting time for League play will vary depending on the Division in which you are playing. All Divisions’ Start Times will be distributed at the respective Captain’s Meeting the week prior to the beginning of the Season. The Start Times for each Division are also posted on the Maine Billiards League Website, .
Pool tables will be available for practice at each location a hour prior to the start of League Play. Players arriving after the scheduled start time but prior to the end of the second round may make up the Rounds that they have missed.
If a Player arrives after the second Round has been completed, unless otherwise agreed upon by both Teams, they will not be permitted to make up the Rounds missed. However, the Player will be able to play the remainder of the Rounds. If the Player does not arrive at all, and a Substitute Player is not being utilized each round that player will forfeit.
For information regarding the minimum number of Players required to begin League Play, refer to section VIII, Legal Lineup.
To begin Match play, a Legal Lineup consists of a minimum of four (4) If a Team does not have a Legal Lineup by the time League Play is scheduled to begin, the following options are available:
1. The Incomplete Team may ask for a fifteen (15) minute extension beyond the scheduled time League Play is to begin.
2. The two Teams, as a whole, can agree to wait a specified period of time to allow enough Players from the incomplete Team to arrive, so that a Legal Lineup may be fielded. This time allowance must be communicated to all Players on both Teams. If, at the end of the agreed time period, the Incomplete Team does not have a Legal Lineup, refer to Option 3.
3. If the Incomplete Team does not have a Legal Line one half hour after the time the Match was scheduled to begin, upon agreement of both Teams, the following options are available:
a) The Match may be rescheduled according to the “MAKEUP MATCHES” guidelines in Section VIII
b) The Match may be forfeited according to the “TEAM FORFEIT” guidelines in section XI.
c) Player Fees for Sub Is Teams Responsibility.
Makeup Matches are allowed in the following situations:
A. If a Team or Teams are added to a Division by the Maine Billiards League after the official start of the current Season. The newly added Team(s) will be allowed to make up the weeks that they missed before joining The League. All Makeup Matches must be played prior to the fourth week of the Current Season. If Makeup Matches for all missed Matches have not been completed by this time, the MBL will utilize the Ghost Player Rule for all Players for the remaining Matches that have not been made up.
B. If the Opposing Team and the Maine Billiards League are notified at least 8 hours prior to the scheduled Match, the Makeup Match is to take place in the location of the originally scheduled Match. The time must be agreed upon by both Teams and should occur within two weeks of the originally scheduled Match.
C. If one Team Forfeits and the Opposing Team offers to schedule a Makeup Match (Section XI – Option 1)
Matches not played as scheduled, and that are not rescheduled, will be deemed a Team Forfeit (Section XI) for the Team that is unable to play.
XI. TEAM FORFEIT (All Divisions)
A Team Forfeit may occur when a Team does not have a Legal Lineup, as described in Section VIII. There are two options available to the “Fielded Team” scheduled to play the “Forfeiting Team”:
Option 1: The “Fielded Team” may offer to schedule a Makeup Match per the rules described in Section X, Makeup Matches.
Option 2: The “Fielded Team” may accept a Forfeit. Although the overall Match will be scored with the “Forfeiting Team” receiving a zero (0), and the “Fielded Team” receiving their current Team Point Average, the Score Sheet must be completed as follows:
1. Complete the “Team Name” fields
2. Write “WF” (Win By Forfeit) For Winning Score.
3. Enter the Names of all attending Players, and the dues paid by each player.
4. Both Teams sign the Score sheet.
IMPORTANT: ALL “Fielded Team” Players must be present. ALL Fees, Dues, and the completed Score Sheet must be returned to League Director for the “Fielded Team” to receive the Forfeit Score! Scores will be calculated into the overall Team Point Average by an MBL Operator. ALL dues owed by the “Forfeiting Team” must be paid for the week of play that has been forfeited.
Score Sheets are to be filled out by both playing Teams, prior to the start of play. The designated Visiting Team Captain fills out their score sheet while the Home Team Captain fills out their score sheet First. When the score sheets have been completely filled out, each team receives the opposing team’s sheet and information is copied onto the respective side of each other’s score sheet.
IMPORTANT: FIRST and LAST names of players MUST be included for each Player on First Week of Play. This will drastically decrease confusion for the MBL Operators when entering Player information into the statistics database. At the end of each scheduled Match Play, the Captains of both the Home and Visiting Teams are to review the Score Sheet for accuracy, and sign the bottom of each team’s copy.
1) The Score Sheets and all monies collected, is to be placed in the provided Money Envelope. The outside of the envelope should be completed and signed by both Team Captains, sealed, and placed in the specially designated box at the Establishment. Home Team Is responsible for correct envelope .An MBL Operator will personally pick up the envelopes from the Establishment the day following Match Play.
IMPORTANT: All information is to be completed, and all dues are to be paid and submitted, even if a Match is not played!
In a four team rotation, one member of the visiting team will play a member of the home team one game. Play continues with a second member of the visiting team playing a second member of the home team. Play continues until all four members of the visiting team have played all four different members of the home team. This is considered one round of play. Each team plays four (4) rounds, with each member of the visiting team playing a different member of the home team each round. Therefore, a 4-person Team will play a total of sixteen (16) Games in a single Match.
C. Determining The Break
The designated Home Team will RACK and BREAK the first and third Rounds. The designated Visting Team RACKS and BREAKS the second and fourth rounds. In other words, Racking and Breaking is alternated each round.
D. Coaching and Time-Outs
Coaching and Time-Outs are NOT permitted in Vegas Match Play.
But In MBL Leagues We Allow One Coach Per Rack During Season. ( Not In Playoffs )
- If The Shooter Is Unsure Of Next Shot He May Ask A Player To Approach The Table For Advice.
- Only One Player May Approach Table But May Go Back Without Shooter To Confer With Team.
- Coach May Not Touch Any Ball. He May Point But Not Touch.
- Any Attempt To Approach The Table Or Communicate With Player Is Coach While Players Turn.
- The purpose of the Coaching is to help train a player. Unless used to give a team an advantage there should be no foul on coaching
- Once a Player Is Coached and The Shooting Player has a rules-oriented question, then they should ask the Captain Or Player On The Opposing Team The Question.
E. Protests
If the completion of play and the score sheets have been signed from each team it becomes final and no protest can be filed.
If there are any issues that cannot be resolved by teams or league operator that will satisfy player/team. Then the player/team may file a protest to the advisory council. The filing must be written or emailed and submitted within 48 hours of the match along with $20.00. Late protest will not be accepted and all decisions by the committee are final. If the protest is upheld the $20.00 will be returned. If the protest is turned down the $20.00 will go into the prize fund for the league..
A. 8-Ball Pocketed Out of Turn
There are two possible scoring scenarios when a Player pockets the 8-Ball out of turn.
1. Open Table:
If the table is “open” (object balls have not yet been established) when the 8-Ball is pocketed out of turn the winner will receive ten(10) points and the person pocketing the 8-ball out of turn will receive the balls that have been pocketed of one group (lesser of two).
2. Non-Open Table:
If object balls have been established by either Player, and the 8-Ball is pocketed out of turn, the result is a loss of the game for the Player pocketing the 8-Ball.
The Game is scored with the “winner” receiving a baseline of seven (7) points, plus three (3) additional points for the eight ball. The person who loses receives one (1) point for each of their object balls that have been pocketed.
B. 8-Ball Scratch
If a Shooter legally pockets the 8-Ball, and the cue ball is scratched on the same shot; or if the 8-Ball goes off the table and lands on a surface other than the table, the result is a Loss of Game for the Shooter. The Game is scored with the Shooter receiving a Score of seven (7) and the Opponent receiving a score of ten (10).
Fargo Rate
B. Fargo Rate Handicap
1. If player Has No Fargo Rating The Advisory Board Will Assign One. Player Is Not Established until 200 Games Played. The League Will Adjust If Needed Until 200 Games Played.
A. Team
Determination of overall Team Standings is based on total Rounds won.
If there is a tie between teams, placement is as follows:
1. Rounds Won
2. Games Won
3. Total Points (including handicap).
B. Individual Standings
Each individual is ranked against other individuals in their division. The placement is as follows:
- Win%
- Wins
3. Total Points
All members must be MBL/BCAPL sanctioned. The Maine Billiards League will regulate leagues to those players who are amateur
The BCAPL Tournament and Rules Committee also reserves the right to disqualify anyone considered a touring pro. Players of professional status shall be INELIGIBLE for the BCAPL 8-Ball National Individual and Team Championships.
The following criteria must be met for any Player to be eligible for Individual Awards at the end of the current Season:
A Player must compete in at least Sixty Eight percent of the scheduled games.
B. Any Team or Individual that drops, or is dropped from The League is not eligible for any Season-Ending Awards or Prizes.
C. Any Team that has ANY unpaid dues will not be eligible.
Prize Money is based on Teams & Weeks Played. Teams dropping out will change payouts.
1. Trophy and Prize Money for Individual Highest Winning %.
2. Prize Money for Individual Most ERO, Consecutive Win and Win Zips
3. Team & Player Name OnTrophy and Prize Money for Top Teams
A. Player
1. A player must play in a minimum of eight (20) team matches during the session.
2. A player must play a minimum of thirty-two (80) games during the session.
3. Any eligible MBL player may compete in the BCAPL Nationals OR VNEA at their own expense.
B. Team
1. A team electing to go to Las Vegas BCAPL Nationals must have a minimum of three (3) eligible original roster team members.
2. If any player(s) on participating team decline to attend, the declining player(s) may be replaced by any currently eligible MBL player(s), but at least three original roster players from said team must attend. Players being replaced must have declined of their own accord.
NOTE: The BCAPL Nationals are played with five (5) player teams. Any team advancing to the BCAPL Nationals will play scratch; there is no handicapping
XIX. Advisory Council
A League Advisory Council made up of up to 5 representatives will be appointed by the League Operator. The advisory council will meet with the League Operator periodically to discuss and recommend action on any and/or all of the following:
(1) Existing problems
(2) New proposals
(3) New ideas to create more interest
(4) Other important matters concerning the league
(5) Assist League Operator in the execution of all MBL fundraising functions or tournaments.
Decisions made by the committee will be decided by a majority vote. All members of the council are encouraged to make new proposals to benefit the league.
Rules you should know that are in the BCA rule book:
The following are all fouls
- Use of Equipment
You are not permitted to wear headphones, bluetooth accessories, or use cell phone during match.
- No practice allowed during match
No player or teammate may practice during a match.
- Marking the table
- Shot Clock Procedures
General Discussion: The shot clock procedures for CSI play are designed to ensure
accelerated play if the Administrative Authority deems it necessary. Referees will
observe matches and provide advice to the Administrative Authority, but they will not
normally place a match on a shot clock on their own unless they have judged that a player
is delaying a match in an unsportsmanlike manner.
Experience clearly shows that complaints from players are most always the result of a
clash of styles between a speedy player and a deliberate player, which does not justify
placing a match on a shot clock. Historically, when referees observe players accused of
playing slowly, it is rare for the average shot time of the “slow” player to exceed 45
seconds. You are not encouraged to pursue relief from a referee unless circumstances are
1. a referee may implement a shot clock if they judge that you are delaying a match unnecessarily or in an
unsportsmanlike manner, or if event officials require that a match proceed at a faster Pace
2. You may call a referee if you believe your opponent is deliberately or consistently
playing at an abnormally slow pace. If, after a reasonable period of observation, \the referee judges that slow play is occurring, they will warn the offending player(s). After the warning, if the referee judges that the pace of play remains abnormally slow, they will place the player(s) on a 45-second shot clock.
3. Shot clock procedures are:
The shot clock does not apply to the first shot after the break in any game.
During a player’s inning,
the shot clock starts when the previous shot ends
and runs for 45 seconds or until cue tip to cue ball contact begins the next
shot. If a player has ball in hand, the shot clock starts when the player has
possession of the cue ball and any spotting of balls or racking is finished.
If they are not already down on the shot when ten seconds remain on the
shot clock, the player will receive a ten second warning from the referee
(announced as clearly as
“ten”, loudly enough for the shooter to hear). If the player does not strike the cue ball within ten seconds, it is a foul.
If a player is already down on the shot with ten seconds remaining, no
announcement is made. The shot clock will pause at ten seconds and the
player may exceed the 45-second limit provided they do not stand up off
the shot. However, if the player stands up off the shot, the referee will
immediately announce “ten”, and the shot clock will resume. If the player
does not strike the cue ball within ten seconds, it is foul.
For timing purposes, “down on the shot” means the player is in a
customary shooting position as it relates to their bridge hand and grip of
the cue, or, if using a mechanical bridge, the bridge has been placed for
the shot and the cue placed in the bridge’s groove with the player’s grip
hand on the cue.
Each player is permitted one 45-second extension per rack. If both players
are on the hill, each player is permitted two 45-second extensions. To use
an extension, the player must verbally announce “extension” to the
referee. The referee will then respond with “extension” or, if the player
has no extension remaining, “extension not allowed”.
For extensions, procedures with ten seconds remaining are the same as for other shots.
The shot clock will pause if play is stopped to summon a referee, and will
start again when the referee authorizes the player to shoot. In a game in
which a referee is presiding, the shot clock will pause if play must be
delayed to allow the referee to take up a position, examine the table, or for
any other administrative stoppage. In either case (referee presiding or
not), after an administrative stoppage the shot clock may, at the referee’s
discretion, be reset before authorizing the player to shoot.
When a player is down on the shot at the ten-second mark, the pause in the shot clock is
intended to allow the player to complete their normal shooting routine without fear of
having a foul announcement made as they are preparing to execute the stroke. The pause
is not intended to give the player an extended amount of time to continue studying the
table. If the referee judges that a player is abusing the pause in order to gain an unfair
advantage with respect to studying the table or making decisions, the referee may
announce “ten” at their discretion and the shot clock will resume as provided for in Rule
1. Situation:
After having announced “ten” the timekeeper calls “foul” just as Player A is
moving the cue forward on a shot, and the cue tip does not contact the cue ball before the
foul is called. The player cannot stop the cue in time to keep the shot from occurring.
Ruling: Foul. Player B accepts the object balls in position
This one is not a foul
- Disturbed Balls (other than cue ball)
If there is no effect on the outcome of the shot, your opponent has the option to leave the disturbed ball(s) where it came to rest or to restore it to its original position. If the disturbed ball is to be restored, a referee may restore it, your opponent may restore it, or you may restore it with your opponent’s permission. It is a foul if you touch or restore the disturbed ball without your opponent’s permission